I heard this song for the first time a while back and have been hooked on the band since. It's been months and this song is still on repeat in my brain......
I got my workout in early today like I prefer. It was great. I was dripping sweat by the end and I felt like a million bucks. The whole thing only lasted 12 minutes and included 12 different exercises. It was super fast paced and a lot of fun. And, as usual, I threw in 20 minutes of interval skipping afterwards for maximum fat blasting. Summer is just around the corner and I want to make sure I feel and look the best that I possibly can.
Watch Zuzana rip it up. She's even got a tutorial in there if you're in need of some guidance.
Here is where you can find the workout breakdown. Since I don't have a pull up bar I replaced them with sumo push ups. And since I am also lacking the dip station I just did dips from a chair. My favorite exercise was the clapping push up. Mainly because I only recently found out that I'm actually pretty decent at them and they make me feel really cool and tough. The prisoner jump squats are brutal and good as well.
I think I'm going to probably talk about how important the interval skipping is in each blog post if you're looking to burn fat. I love my jump rope and my jump rope loves me back. Get one. Use it. Watch the fat melt right off. If you're new to skipping rope it's gonna seem a bit tricky at first. Stick with it. If you practice every day you'll be jumping like a pro in less than a week and feeling fine. I was terrible when I first started, and after sticking with it for like three days I had fancy feet like whoa. Forreal.
I have some soup cooking up on the stove as I type. It's a recipe one of the mom's that I work for was so kind to pass my way. It started out as a type of Minestrone but I modified it into more of just a vegetable type soup. I'm pre-making it for my lunch/dinner tomorrow because I have a jam packed day ahead of me and won't have time to cook in the morning. I'll take some pictures when it's ready and post the recipe tomorrow. For now, I hope everyone has been avoiding eating processed junk food and have made good food decisions. It's important to remember that no matter how much you work out, you're not going to see half the results you should if you're polluting your body with garbage.
That said; I hope you do this workout with me, and are focusing on good, and trying your best. You'll feel better if you do.
Thanks for reading.