Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day Six (And A Rewind On Five)

Hey there,

I am now on day six of the Master Cleanse.

It's Sunday and I've been laying around all day. I ventured out briefly to pick some lemons earlier, but other than that I've been enjoying not doing one single thing. This is typical of most Sundays for me.

My energy is a little low today. I think this is probably in part to my over doing yesterday. I wasn't doing anything real crazy or anything. Just some hula hooping and yoga, but I felt the effects soon after. Doing abdominal exercise while on a cleanse is not a great idea.

Since then, I have recovered from my little episode and am now making sure I take'r easy today.

I feel good about what I have accomplished so far and am still looking forward to finishing out these last four days. I watched some videos on Youtube earlier about people who have gone to complete 40 days on the cleanse. 40 days makes my 10 look pretty weak in comparison so you won't hear any complaining from me.

I'm not really hungry. The cayenne is still doing it's job there. I grabbed some limes while I was out too. You're allowed to substitute them in for the lemons so my next batch will be a limeade. Hold onto your hats!

It's been a peaceful day for me. Hope it's been the same for you. Happy Mother's Day if you're a mom.

Good vibes to all.

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